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South Shields FC supports Movember campaign

South Shields FC is proudly supporting this year’s Movember initiative – and is calling on fans to do the same.

The men’s health charity is taking on mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer with hundreds of projects around the country.

The most common of them is the growing of moustaches, which is something Mariners players including Luke James and Tom Broadbent will be attempting during the month of November, as will members of the office team at 1st Cloud Arena.

You can visit the club’s Movember page here, with the campaign backed by our charitable Foundation as part of its annual programme to raise awareness and support health and well-being.

Also taking part is club chairman Geoff Thompson, and this is a cause particularly close to his heart.

Geoff was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year after routine tests, and credits his promising recovery with the disease being caught early.

He said: “This time last year, I thought I was fit and healthy and had no signs whatsoever of any diseases or any ailments.

“I went to the doctor’s for the first time in six years, had a routine blood test and cutting a long story short, was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

“I think I’ve been lucky because it was caught early, and that’s certainly the message that all of the medics have given me. Getting it tested early and caught early is so important.

“I had surgery in the spring and am still being monitored and checked, but because it was caught early, I think I’ve been quite lucky. I’ve got everything crossed but so far, so good.

“It’s important to try to raise awareness, and it’s great that the football club is supporting this year’s Movember campaign.

“We’re trying to encourage awareness and get people involved, so please get behind this if you can.”

We will keep you updated with progress pictures across the month, so let’s see who manages to grow the best mo – and who doesn’t!

If you are able to donate to the cause, please visit one of the individual fundraising pages below, or the overall club page.

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4 комментария

23 авг.

South Shields FC is proudly supporting the Movember campaign, an initiative dedicated to raising awareness for men's health issues, including mental health, suicide prevention, and prostate cancer. By participating in Movember, the football club aims to encourage its fans and community to take action, raise funds, and promote the importance of regular health check-ups. Just as South Shields FC stands behind this vital cause, students pursuing nursing can find valuable assistance through a reliable Nursing Assignment service. These services provide expert help with assignments, ensuring students can focus on both their studies and contributing to important causes like Movember.


Danniel Georgia
Danniel Georgia
23 авг.

It's great to see South Shields FC supporting the Movember campaign, raising awareness for men's health issues like prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. Initiatives like this not only bring the community together but also encourage important conversations about health and well-being. As someone who understands the challenges of juggling multiple commitments, from doing my dissertation to staying healthy, I appreciate how sports teams can play a crucial role in promoting positive change. Let's support South Shields FC and the Movember campaign to make a real difference in our community. Keep up the great work, everyone!

Visit Now


10 авг.

South Shields FC proudly supports the Movember campaign, championing men’s health initiatives throughout the month. By raising awareness and funds, the club encourages fans to engage in this vital cause. If you’re looking to contribute in another way, you can also buy Eliquis from Canada to help manage health conditions that Movember aims to address.


Albert Dexter
Albert Dexter
23 июн.

As a supporter of South Shields FC, I'm thrilled to see the club backing such an important cause like Movember! It's initiatives like these that bring the community together and raise awareness for men's health. If you're interested in learning more about how you can support causes like Movember through your own research, I recommend checking out They've been a tremendous help to me with my academic work, offering top-notch dissertation writing services. Keep up the great work, South Shields FC!

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