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A statement from Geoff Thompson

Following social media speculation over recent days, I would like to offer an update and reiterate my wholehearted commitment to acting in our club’s best interests.  

We are in discussions with a number of interested parties regarding my stake in the club. Those discussions have been positive and are progressing well, but we are not at the stage whereby a takeover is imminent.  

I continue to financially support the club and will do so throughout this process, as I have always stated. We have had an incredible journey since the summer of 2015 and everyone at the club – myself included – is fully committed to ensuring the most exciting moments are yet to come. That journey will continue.  

We are bolstered by several exciting initiatives, including our International Academy, which successfully launched this year and stands to welcome lots more student-athletes from around the world in 2024. 

However, we must be sensible and always have the club’s long-term interests at heart. We want a club to survive and thrive for the next 100 years, not just the next few.  

That is why it is essential we operate on a sustainable basis, and a number of changes have been made over recent weeks as we transition towards that.  

This is part of a process to ensure we are investment ready and that the next custodian(s) of our great club are in the best possible position to take it forward.  

The support of our fans, sponsors and community is more vital than ever at this critical point, so please continue to get behind the team and the club because without your backing, the future would look a lot less bright. You are what makes our club unique.  

I will continue to keep you as updated as possible during what is largely a confidential process.  

All we ask is for your trust and continued support.

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